Objectives As a local Power Contracting Company, The Company is aimed to deliver a quality services in accordance with the PNG Power Safety Standards and guidelines to provide an accessible power services throughout the communities. It is also committed to deliver a quality work in the ICT and Civil works too. The company is aimed to promote quality and efficiency in the management of the company thus to promote the company’s reputation and expand in the future. With the housing infrastructure the company is committed to build quality housing in accordance with the national and provincial building board plan.
MBALE POWER LIMITED exists to contribute to environmental conservation by working in partnership with the private and public sector hence MBALE POWER recognizes eco-friendly community participation, ownership of socio-economic development and contribution to improved living standard for the local communities through its service deliveries. Mission and Vision Statement
The Company is hereby established to be an Eco-friendly and Pro-active power and housing contractor to effectively provide the Rural Electrification Services to brighten all parts of Hela and Southern Highlands Province through power supply and build a lasting housing infrastructure for the nation building. It is also set to act as the medium for the government to deliver the very much need basic essential service, the electricity and housing infrastructure to the people of Hela and Southern Highlands Province and country as a whole
Moto: Depicts our identity: “The company (MBALE Power Limited) is earnestly committed to delivering a quality and efficient job in accordance with the designated task and to fully utilize the project funds for its intended purpose which is for benefit of the people and in doing so; the output of the work will portray the company’s REPUTATION”. A true legacy last
Company History The MBALE POWER LIMITED Company had its early beginnings in 2011. The formation and registration of the company was a result of the need to effectively deliver of Government Services especially through the Rural Electrification Programs and housing infrastructure in the impacted areas of Hela and Southern Highlands Provinces and also the greater demand in power consumers wanting their houses to be wired.
The company lodged its application on 8th March, 2013. Fortunately the Company’s application was approved and got it registered with the IPA as MBALE POWER LIMITED with the Internal Promotion Authority in Port Moresby. The company Certificate of Incorporation number is: 1-89452 and was incorporated under the Companies Act 1997 on 6th of August 2013
Future prospects company is comprised of vibrant and energetic workers who have the hearts to deliver projects diligently to the people of this nation. We have the knowledge, required skills and ability to do anything in the name to prosperity and change. Therefore we want to build this company to a very reputable company which demonstrates good managements of public funds and has the determination to construct quality and lasting projects. The company is prepared to meet new challenges and to advance into the future with confidence and experience. The company wants to build it reputation on quality output, good management and eco-friendly community project